...My words fall as snowflakes... you are my paper that they land on...


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The Answer...

If you must know what is going to happen next
Or where you are going next
Or when you are going
Or why things happen
Then you are not living a Christian life
Because in fact you only need to know who you are going with
And that should be only our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
He alone should be our guide and lead us at all times
Do not worry about what will happen next, Jesus will show you
Do not worry about where you are going, Jesus will guide you
Do not worry about when you are going, Jesus knows the time
Do not worry about why things happen, Jesus has a plan just for you
Do not worry about who you are going with if Jesus dwells in your heart
The answer my friend is really quite simple
Forget the what
Forget the where
Forget the when
Forget the why
And just remember the who
If you always remember the Who is Jesus then you find the answers
Let Jesus rule your heart
Remember that the Who promises to take care of the what, where, when and why
The Who does not need our help
So as you start the day ask yourself this
What do you really need to know about the very next thing you do?

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