...My words fall as snowflakes... you are my paper that they land on...


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A Museum of Broken Hearts??

A few weeks ago, well actuall in end of August actually ( I know its been awhile!!) i went to an exhibition in Covent Garden called 'The museum of broken relationships'.. Well as you can imagine, that did seen unusual and interesting!! Now there was certainly somethin fasinatin about this exhibition that attracted the 1000's of people that have come to visit it all around the world.. My guess... Because we can all certainly relate and feel some what apart of the collection itself... :(
If there is a story i've shared before with my friends and family, one of which take most peoples interest is how this heart of mines is doing...Full and bursting to tell of my happiness or the story of how it got broken...This museum was just that..Words of the heart...It consisted of objects and a story behind it decribing what the objects meant to that paticular person and the tail of the relationship..
It was a particular subject i liked... I could definately relate and i liked the idea of people realising their pain by sharing it so that others in the world would not feel alone... For example in this pic..i was reading about a guy in Hong kong who fell in love with a girl and her name was 'Carla' which sounds like 'color' so when every he saw the word in his travels and day to day life..he would take a picture of it..he built up an impressive collection of documenting the word 'color' so that one day he would show her and present his gift to her...untill his heart got broken..he stopped the photography and the unseen collection of pictures were donated to this museum...how sweet huh...but with love...you can never tell the way they start or end right??
LOL i loved this one! To all you cheating bastards ay?? haha!!
This was a very interesting story, one of the longest but i really loved it... especially how i agree with the last paragraph :)
This was a bible carved through with candles waxed into it, its was very fasinating but strange to me...this girl made some sort of love shrine within a bible to the guy she loved...i kinda forgot the story... O_o

I wish i could say 'go and check it out guys' but from what i know, its already left London and onto the next city around the world now... but if You wanna donate your belongings and share your story,or even have a look at the online collection, you can do so via this website... :)

good luck and enjoy guys and dolls x

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