...My words fall as snowflakes... you are my paper that they land on...


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Nobody can do everything...But everyone can do something...

Hey guys and dolliez!!
It's such a CHILLY few days in London.. I hope everyone is keeping well and warm in heart.. My cheeks get so rosey when im too hot or too cold!! >_< I need to stay warm!!
Ermmm..Moving on..I wanna talk about my thoughts this weekend...
I've experienced the works of the holy spirit recently... I was so hot in emotions at one point.. then freezing cold the next... i couldn't quite get the balance on my own... When you somehow focus too much energy on one thing, you upset the balance of everything around you... when i focused my all in the one who loves all good and bad...that i remembered the good wants you to do even more good..to better and encourage others.. the bad wants you to suffer and give up..they thrive on your bad times..sometimes its about taking time out to re-evaluate your priorities and listen to your heart...

Where i think we all wanna be is warm...in Heart.. in Life.. in Love..

I'm one for bettering myself everyday...but i know it's not easy... I wanna change the world.. I wanna be apart of bigger picture..the small voice that adds to building the loudest voice...
Too many of us forget that there’s a life outside the bubble of our own... Some people put their head in the sand, some people have the attitude that if it doesn’t effect them directly, it is of no importance... My heart won’t let me be like that, believe me, I’ve tried...

I don't think we should just sit and wait for others to do the work... I don't think we should wait for a better time in our lives... a year...when you finish this job, that project, that degree.. we can all do something...right here..right now...
Christ taught us Love is not for the fulfillment of self but for the glory of God and the good of others. True love is selfless...It gives...It sacrifices..
 You don't have to believe in God to set aside you own self fulfillment... I believe everyone is capable of kindness.. Everyone has goodness in them... I'm not trying to preach to the non believers because i once was in their shoes too... i just think whatever we are all going through.. maybe you life sucks right now.. or its awesome to the fullest... We can all put the needs of others..of other things even before ourselves or our owns... Focus on a vision thats B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L and be apart of it... :)
I'm keeping this post really open to however you want to interpret it my g'z and d'z... Be warm in your heart... TRUST ME, i took me awhile to get there... It can only open you up to see the good in others and everything that is happening around the world we live in...
Spread the love...Like if you like, Share if it inspires you, Tweet if you awesome :p, Reblog that if think that this post can spark your friends and fam...Spend 24hours not complaining about negatives and instead...praising every positive action, word or emotion in that day towards others.. you could be giving yourself to others; be a helping hand, say something lovely to someone random... :)
Have an amazing week my awesome readers!
Snow xoxo


Jamie said...

You are so inspiring snow! you are SOO beautiful and your heart works just like mines... it's so strange to come across someone who writes the exact same way as my thoughts!! :) You are really special, keep up the posts, i promise i'll read them!! :)

God Bless x

Unknown said...

Thank you!! I so glad you appriciate reading my posts!! it gives me great joy to know i can help in encouraging others in a positive way :)

feel free to subcribe and follow...

god bless u too!!