...My words fall as snowflakes... you are my paper that they land on...


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Adios amigos!?! Forreall?? :D

 Because i wrote:-
"Jeninioo Snow Vuongy
I am going to go Mexico for 16 months! Adios amigos!
This was my friends and families responses publicly on facebook, i haven't even mentioned the amount of inboxed private messages and text messages, bbm and whatsapp alerts i got that day... 
My-Le Vuong, Bez Bez Bez, Ley Petreli Wiwuga and 6 others like this.

  • Dhara Desai ‎:O
    Tuesday at 17:07 ·

  • Renee Barrientos Banao ‎:(
    Tuesday at 17:10 ·

  • Tom Yip i'll join ya
    Tuesday at 17:11 · · 1

  • İbrahim Can Eroğlu what wll u do there?
    Tuesday at 17:18 ·

  • Vi Complicated And I'm going to school!
    Tuesday at 17:47 · · 1

  • Carolina Ballesteros No way!!!
    Tuesday at 17:51 ·

  • LeLe Vuong you're lying! When?
    Tuesday at 17:54 ·

  • Vi Yuunitii Vuong what!!
    Tuesday at 18:05 ·

  • Greg Honmong Hey I might be going mexico next year too! where abouts are you going to?
    Tuesday at 18:11 ·

  • Dei H Wen u leaving?
    Tuesday at 18:29 ·

  • Didier Cuzzolin Woah that's great! don't leave without passing by to say goodbye though
    Tuesday at 18:33 ·

  • Med Rock'o'Star Have fun :) mega Jell love to go as well
    Tuesday at 18:35 ·

  • Daniela Hunter Andrade Wow Jen! Have the time of ur life and I'll give u some contacts to look after u my prescious. xx
    Tuesday at 19:53 ·

  • Sue Mabbett Oh wow enjoy! You will be missed
    Tuesday at 20:32 ·

  • Mivan Vuong ummm...something i suld knw about?!!x
    Tuesday at 20:32 ·

  • Nermine Nerms Z Wow!! Mexico!! Think of the tan you'll have when you come back lol x
    Tuesday at 22:28 ·

  • John Vuong enjoy!
    Tuesday at 23:04 ·

  • Fabio Kun I love you. Enjoy the travel and the warm ♥
    Wednesday at 10:25 ·

  • Fabio Kun ‎...and whoknow, when you will be there..maybe, somewhere in the shadow....a ninjia will spy you ;)
    Wednesday at 10:25 ·
    The email reads "Copied & pasted for a good cause - because we can't grow mustaches
    Okay pretty ladies, it's that time of year again...support of Breast Cancer Awareness!! So we all remember last year's
    ganme of writing your bra color as your status? Or the way we like to have our handbag handy?
    Last year, so many people took part that it made national news and the constant updating of status reminded everyone why we're doing this and helped raise awareness!!
    Do NOT tell any males what the statuses mean...keep them guessing!!
    And please copy and paste (in a message) this to all your female friends! It's time to confuse the men again (not that it's really that hard to do ;])
    The idea is to choose the month you were born and the day you were born. Pass this on to the GIRLS ONLY and lets see how far it reaches around. The last one about the bra went around all over the world.
    Your status should say:
    "I am going to________________for___________ months."

    February-- London
    April--Dominican Republic
    June-- St Petersburg
    September--New York
    November-- Las Vegas
    December-- Columbia

    Use the day you were born for how many months you will live there."
    So sorry to dissapoint.. but maybe one day ay? ^_^ it was fun :p

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