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The Broken-and-Laughed-at Heart...

Remember i said was gonna discuss relationships at some point in my blog... we'll this is my 1st post...
I know this subject has been gone over time after time after time again to everyone and anyone... But somehow, another person who has something to say about it always make you feel like you are not alone...

So what do i mean by broken and played? well there are so many reason why relationships don't work out, wether it be you have different interests, the love faded, one or both have changed, or you simply weren't compatible and the fights got too much? I think the saddess reason is that of unfaithfulness...

As a girl,  i will refer to only guys but if you're a guy reading this, refer to it vice versa...
So he cheated on you, broke your heart..and shattered it to pieces...and its hit you so hard because suddenly, eating, sleeping, working, even getting out of bed is difficult... and i know, its hard to have to try and piece your exterior back together just to try to make appear normal at work or infront of normal people... We all know break ups are tough..but being lied to and cheated on is even tougher... I can't only imagine how you girls must feel.. i know 1st hand how it feels too...

Ladies, the stages of emotions you go through are always the same.. at 1st we feel sad, sort of pity yourself, and you kinda of deny the whole thing is actually happening..you start to feel anger, maybe blame a few people or things, get depressed because of your realization of everything and eventually acceptance of the whole ordeal...i know it feeels like you can never trust and love again...but if you can love someone in your family or an animal or a child, then think about it.. it is possible for you to love another again...

In order for you guys to trust me...and relate with me, i had to tell you that i've been there before too right?? And i honestly have... My heart took a beating...actually, it took on more than that, it got smashed into pieces, stepped on, swept back up- chewed on and spat out again.. and i truely was the fool who got played...it was and thinking about it now, still is one of the hardest things i had ever had to go through... Yet im still standing and guess what... i'm more awesome than i have ever been now...
My advice...
1.Stay true to yourself... if you played the fool, learn from it and make yourself know that you are a new and improved version of yourself than you were yesterday..
2. Find yourself again..I personally don't think trying to find a rebound and getting straight back into another relationship is the best solution... So many lose themselves and merge into the partner they are with, being on your own is great for you ( not saying its easy but if u needa abit of help, your friends are always a great distraction)

3. Learn to love yourself again... i've said this to countless people ( especially to people who don't understand why i am not in a relationship!) If you don't have love inside for yourself- not anyone else- you (inner Jeniniooo) if you dislike and judge yourself.. that kind of negative energy is not good to pass on to other people... If i have no love for myself, then how can i truely love anyone else? Think about it guys... so many people who go into a relationship with fears and insecurities *over love* the other person because of the lack of love inside..can you see how destructive that relationship can be? That fear of him cheating, that fear of not being attractive to him, that fear of losing him, eventually that fear of him getting sick of your fears... That is totally unhealthy and should be avoided if you realise that you are or can be like that...

Alot of people lose their self confidence after they have be cheated on... Wether it be feeling unattractive, feeling unapproachable, just not being able to shine like you once did... Well i just wanna let you know that you shouldn't shun yourself from the world just because of one idiot who doesn't know what hes lost!! Nobody really knows why people cheat, maybe its because they are very insecure and are abit lost themselves...or they get a thrill out of it...but you should never feel like your not good enough...use this time to better yourself and redefine what the perfect you is :) and remember, its nothing you did that was wrong, honestly...and as much as he tries to blame you for what he did. Just bare this in mind- if Halle Berry can get cheated on anyone can get cheated on right!!! :p

I'm normally used to being there for a friend one to one if this ever happened, i'm so sorry if this post really sucks >_< ...
Believe me, there are alot of dogs out there, but you will find the right person in good time, maybe this is only me but the universe gives you what you want (certainly God only wants the best for his children...) but i mean you can only do YOUR HALF of the relationship, do your best with your half and if it doesn't work out, you've done your best-know it, miss it, squash it and let go...Use the time you're not wasting on a dead end relationship to heal yourself do things you enjoy.. L.O.V.E Y.O.U.R.S.E.L.F and don't ever let anyone tell you n make you think that you are 'almost perfect' ( yep, been there too *sigh!*) always know that nobody is perfect (this excludes you oh Creator if you're reading too :p), but you define perfection..my imperfections are anothers perfections... ;)
Heres a song for you guys...you're all f*kin perfect to me xxx

"what kind of genius would let perfection go.."

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