...My words fall as snowflakes... you are my paper that they land on...


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Take me away..

Hey guys! Guess what? I drove all the way to Chichester by myself this evening!! That's like 70miles away from London! Although route counter on my car said 90 summink miles, I dnt actually believe that! Took me 2.5hrs to get here! I'm here to spend the weekend for the remaining talks from the alpha course I started back in jan.. Lemme jus say something..the drive here was abit scary...it was soo dark!! And I did get used to it, that's why I was pushin 100mph on cruise control..man I love my car!! Soon as I got here I had dinner, socialised for abit, found my room n then took a shower n sat in bed to read..I do have a room mate actually and she left her stuff here before I even got my key so I was really waiting for Patsy to walk in..
Drum roll please.....
PATSY IS A DUDE!!! Loooool! I couldn't stop laughing n I was dissing his name coz they dnt normally mix a girl wid a dude to share rooms n my while hall way is full of girls!! I did find it weird when he walked in but ehh..it's just for 2 nights we'll be roommates.. N he didn't seem like a weirdo..he's Irish and has a happy cheery accent and hes got a gf so im confident he wont be a dickhead like some dudes i know lol! Anyways..I'm gna go to bed now..
Probably get the rooms changed in the morning!!

Sent from my iPhone

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