...My words fall as snowflakes... you are my paper that they land on...


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Xmas shopping!

Ok I only really bought presents for one person and she's the smallest 
being I love..that's right..my rascal niece ReneĆ©!! And err yea..I 
went all out..all that stuff from harrods was for the lil 1..and I 
have to say..they are super awesome gifts!!

And this mofo here was the 1 I went shopping with..he hooked me up 
with some discount so I couldn't really complain! Legoman is actually 
a pretty sick dancer, in fact..he's awesome!! ..although me n him 
fought like cats n dogs since young,he's actually like a brother to me 
n it's all love really!!

Coz I'm evil..I might just have to expose and mention that u can find 
him dancing ridiculously gay in alexandra burkes video 'start without 
you' xD sorry geekface, old news but had to be done on here! :D

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