Hey guyz and dolliez! So i've been going strong on becoming a vegan for 2 weeks or so now... I have to admit, it isn't very easy for me.. like my will is strong.. but my effort sometimes isn't.. theres soo much prep work to do to be vegan.. Like 10steps more than to coook regular food!! My mom has been worried about me lately, as much as i thought she was trying to break my will (which meant her cooking all my fav vietnamese dishes and home food) shes been mentioning to me that i've been looking pale, that i lack energy and i'm always complaining how cold i am when everyone else feels fine... I guess i can understand.. when i'm not bothered to make proper food, i just eat abit of fruit or make instant noodles and have it with abit of seaweed or summink weird like gherkins.. (i like it ok!>_<) when i finish work late i just dont have the energy to prep food for the next day or eat so i rather skip it altogether and get a fruit n protein shake for lunch instead... its not that bad right?? But i had a whole day off today to just relaxxx.. and after the past few training sessions i've had, it felt soo good to just chill and do stuff i enjoy without stress...

Soooo.. I loove cooking.. i like trying out new recipes and making things... when i have the time, i should just look after number one.. moi! :) My mom took me to the fruit and veg market and bought me anything i wanted, all vegan stuff and ingredients for me to cook food i can eat and love to make.. so i decided to make sushi today.. this time, fully vegan!! :p Now i no that thought doesn't even sound appealing, the best part of sushi is the fresh fish and sashimi right?? well i'm fasting for 40 days from meat n dairy so lemme make this enjoyable ppl!! :p
There is soooo much prep work to do for sushi, i made maki and inside out rolls, i even made mixed veg tempura and them sliced them up to add into my sushi rolls aswell! If you're vegan, you might wanna know what i ingredient fillings i put in (or if you're bored and silently judging me >_<) here goes:
Cucumber, avocado, red and yellow peppers, sweet potato tempura, aubergine and courgette tempura, teriyaki tofu and plain tofu tempura, wasabi and teriyaki glaze, black and white toasted sesame seeds...
My rice came out perfect..these are my measurements:- for every 250g of sushi rice, i added 330ml of water to it and popped into my rice cooker... when the rice was done, i mixed 3 tbsp rice vinegar, 1.5tbsp sugar and 1 level tsp of salt... mixed that together and added to rice after its sat for 20mins after its cooked and you're done! oh and i used ready toasted nori sheets (its long toasting your own, this was already a long process you vegans!!)
I'm probably gonna make sushi and tempura again this week coming because i have got sooo much sushi rice and veg to use up.. but i'm happy to say that my friends and family that had the feast afterwards were so suprised this was all meat and fish free, they really enjoyed it dispite one of them hating and disliking vegetables!! HI5555 for converting the unconvertabless!! :D