...My words fall as snowflakes... you are my paper that they land on...
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My Easter egg
Ok Easters awesome besides all the bank holidays n stuff..it's about hot cross buns, chocolate eggs and giant rabbits?!! O_o"
Anyways this year Easter meant something different to me..it mean the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and the resurrection of him as fully human... It's actually such a special time to me now.. :D boy have I grown up or what guys?? Anyways me n my lil sis is sharing this huge chocolate egg!! It's too much n honestly I'm not a sweet tooth person..I never crave this stuff!! Oh n hats off the the dude who made this bush look like a rabbit with rabies!! Lol
A walk to something new..
After the movie, me n my friend took alil walk near covent garden coz that's where I parked my car...we jammed around this lil new spot in the area..so pretty right?? It's called St martins courtyard.. And it a nice lil spot to have lunch with ur friends n jus sit n talk like what I did..there is always something new and pretty in London..I just love it!
Fast and Furious 5
I went to go see Fast 5 with my friend this evening.. And after gathering a growing addiction to fast cars and speeds i've never experienced before in Barbados... I friggin loved this movie!! It had everyone awesonce the 1st movie back in it... everyone that mattered!! Tyrese, Ludacris, that jap guy, Vin Disesel, Mr Paul walker ( in love with him!!) and the Rock was in it too!! its like it was the reunion!! :D I thought the movie was awesome... Go check it out if u like hot cars, hot people, and lots of action!! It's also weird that i watched Rio the animation last week in Barbados and this movie is set in Rio aswell O_o alota tourist there next year i suppose!!
Nintendo 3DS
I was playin with my friends 3DS.. That thing is awesome!! It's actually soo cool because it's 3D! Messed my eyes up abit but hey..so do 3d glasses!! Look what my friends did...they take the pisssssss!! I tried to create my Mii character but it didn't look like me even after it tried to copy my facial features so them guys took it to themselves to recreate my face!! Makin me look like an ugly RASSHOLEEE!! loool!! It was funny tho!!
lol what do u think??
Afters with my guys..
Yea I just came back on Thursday but I missed everyone!! Literally had to see my boys!! We went After for ice cream and omg it was soooooo good!! Like I'm sorry but our ice cream here is just way more awesome than Barbados!! We limed it out till like 3am..that's what u do when u have awesome friends like I do!!
Home sweet Home!!
I'm back! (slightly black aswell!) and I'm ready to take on turning from Bajan to a Londoner again... Hopefully!! I missed u guys!! My awesome friend Shane picked me up from the airport... he let me drive from the 3/4 journey left to go home and i let him drive my baby around the block when i got home!! I took a nap...as i'ma lil jet lagged.. and when i got up..went to see my bestie!! There r just certain people i missed more!! ;) x
Suckin Sugar Cane!
LOL!! I'm new to all of this so this was fun!!! My jaw started aching after awhile tho!!! i did not find it easy to bite and break it... i had to do it like the pros 1st..and after i couldn't take it no more...
I had it the kiddies style.. split into 4's lol!!! Ahhh this sugar cane was sooo nice!!! If u couldn't ever imagine me dong this.. heres the pictures to help you!! lol!! I think the girls are proud to have trained me to be fully bajan... they said i will need to go to rehab to go back to normal London chick Jeniniooo :p
Flying fish!!
This is the food I wanted everyday!! It's just simply flying fish fillets with bajan spices and fried in flour..with macaroni pie! :D Tara made this for me on my last day here..she is so sweet and I am grateful for everything she has done for me... Couldn't asked for a better host..she looked after me dispite her other commitments!! Guys this dish is so yummy!!
Jami blubear says goodbye to Jeni blubear..
Late night antics with Jami!!
After the movies, we went out by the beach and we strolled right back into the hotel i got all the free food and drinks from earlier... Just figured its a better liming spot than at home and theres a bar too..and..we both look like tourists because jami doesn't look local to be honest...
Our plan worked... nobody questioned us and we hung out there till late!! lol!! We messed about and sat by the pool, went in the cave bar and jus took silly pics!! lol!!
All joking aside...It was such a beautiful night, i could fall asleep on the beach if the mosquitos didn't love my blood!! Full moon and bright starry skies...just what we both needed to relax and reflect on everything... I love this girl.. Shes been there for me in manys ways than i could have understood before... Where i have told u guys about typical Bajan girls and guys... she is definitely not typical...
I am so blessed to have such awesome people in my life right now... and this trip has definately brought me closer to God and all his glories... Can't say im on the fence anymore... I've witnessed too many miracles and blessings to doubt it now...
VIP Movie Theatre- watched Rio!!! :D
This cinema was awesome! Black leacther recliner chairs where you can put ur feet up and just relax!! You can even order your popcorn and drinks from your seat!! VIP ay?? ;)
lol my friend wearing his shade because the screen was soo big and he hadn't seen a movie in years!! takes some adjusting i suppose!!
Me and Jami!! i've been waiting for this day for ages because we planned to do something casual! She didn't actually wnt to watch an animated, but me and brad against her on that, she didnt have a choice!!! haha... but to be honest.. the movie was soooooo funny and i know she enjoyed it!! Here a trailer... Guys go see it!! it makes u want to go Brazil for the fun of it!! i loved this movie soo much!! perfect way to end my night!! x
"You Ugly Rassholeeee!!"
Lool my friend picked me and jami up to go catch a movie at Sheraton mall..and on our way there, there was these 3 ugly dudes all smiling and staring at us!! Jami was cursing in the car and then brad was like 'Jen I'll drive up nx to them, roll down the window u u tell em they ugly ok!' lol so I did..in the midest of traffic, the windows went down and stuck my head out yellin 'YOU UGLY RASSHOLEEEE!!!!' haha!! U don't know how much both brad and jami were crying with laughter after I did that!! They guys were so shamed and hide and laughed at the same time lol!!! To a bajan, what I said was not nice but it's distinctly bajan to say 'rasshole!' lol!! Gosh that was epic!!
Oh another pic of my friends sexyyyyyy car!! We at the mall now!
Cheeky Jeniniooo
He guys.. so i met these 2 beach dude whiles sun bathing and trying to run in and out of the sea! they saw me run from the big wave heading for me!! lol!! And they told me i could probably go into the hotel, sit down and have lunch and drinks.. FOR FREEEE!!! lol... and i did just that!!
LOOK AT THS FOOD!! i literally walked to the hotel, sat down, got myself a glass of lemonade and helped myself to the lunch buffet!! I got chicken, veg, salad and fries... and omg it was sooo nice!! i wished iw as more hungry coz i didnt even finish it!! but it was freee mayn!!! I can't believe how naughty i'm being... acting like i'm a guest at this very niceee hotel!!
To be honest... i AM a tourist and i do have an innocent face hahahhaaaa :D
the waitress came up to me and offered a glass of ice cold water.. and asked me if i wanted any cocktails... I ordered a pina colada :D yeaaaaaaa boiii!! expect to pay for the drink... she jus brought it over!! like damn!! This is the perfect way to end my last full day in barbados... living like a tourist instead of a local like i have been!! :D
This to view i was seeing having my lunch... nice isn't it?? After lunch, i headed back to the beach sun loungers to blend in.. i couldn't walk home after that... had to act cool and casual!! I loved it how the locals gave me tips to pretend to be a guest at the hotell... its soo funny!! haha!!
Last day stress? Hell no!!
Hey guys! It's my last full day in Barbados before flying home and all I wanted to do was go to the beach and actually relaxxx!! I have not once sunbathed since I've been here, so I did this time.. Funny story guys!! I was being veryyyy cheeky!! Basically there this hotel down the coast that I've walked past before and they had sun loungers..and I was intending to go over there and just act like I'm from the hotel so I can use it.. That exactly what I did but not without being given the ok by one of the jet ski guys!! Lol!! He was like..yea jus pretend ur from there, it's all cool, they won't question u!! Lol!! Yoooo! They brought me ice cold juices and sodas and fresh fruits!! And all I did was take!! Loool!! I shuda done this from the start!! Was what I was thinkin in my head!! Haha
Liming at the beach at midnight...
One of the things i loved doing most nights was sitting on the patio and starting at the stars and listening to the sea... on a clear night.... its beautiful.... I dunno why....it sings to me... its like i'm sitting there with God and spending every night conversing with him... I went down to the beach and just soaked it all in...the calm....my friend came later and we had a few laughs aswell... This was 2 days before i was gonna have to fly home.... hence why i try to make the most of it...
A new friendship
I came out of the cave wanting to take more photos of the whole area... its like soo pretty here... and since i had no pics of me in the cave (well 1 on the dlsr) i wanted to take a pic outside... and i asked the guy who did my tour to take my pic for me...
This pic was cutting out all that was beautiful about this shot... like i had to go up to him 3-4 times to show him ow to take a pic with my phone.. O_o
that the best he did after my lessons... but its not a bad pic... Well its because of he not takin my pcture properly that we started talkin more! Because to be honest, i held a tiny grudge against him for not stopping the tram like i asked him to earlier so that i could take a picture at the spot i missed because of the fat dude sitting next to me blocking the whole right side of my cave views... O__o But yea i forgave him hahah :D and hes actually a real nice guy, like everyone, he was shocked i got here by bus and i was alone...but he so kind and took me to the bus stop through a short cut...
This was the short cut!!! Soooo prettyy!! compared the longgg walk i was dreading that the bus drver told me to take...
So a new friendship was formed here!! And its awesome coz he sent me pics of the cave that i would never have got to see!! We swapped bb pins and hes still in my good books!! Its not always a good idea to make friend with strangers in a forent country... but i guess its because he was actually my tour guide- not a guy off the streets- he seemed pretty harmless... and he really was.. Thanks Shaun for being so awesome n safe!! :D
The awesome Harrisons caves!!
Originally, I was meant to visit this place with jami but she's way too busy studyin so I went on my ones... I took the bus from town to get here and how blown away was I when I got to the site?!! The driver showed me how high up we were and mentioned how deep the caves r!! Pretty awesome!!
The tour, like most tours, start off with a short film about the history of the cave and how the island was formed... Barbados is the only island on the carribean that isn't vocanic...it was formed from fossils and layers of sediments hardening over billions of yrs..i think :p
Everyone who knows me knows me.. even u guys who have read my early posts..should know that im a geological person.. i love geology and collecting crystals and rocks...makes sense that i like caves right??
Oh right i forgot to mention that after the film, we got lead into the cave on a tram car thing and we had a tour guide talkin his way through and explaining what is what etc... This whole cave is wet!! water was drippin on me and it felt so warm down here...think he said its a constant 27degrees regardless of the temperature outside throughout the year...pretty awesomee
To be honest, i only had 1 picture of me taken inside this cave on my Dslr because i was too absorbed about the cave than to prove i was there pictures... yes i'm so Lisa Simpson ok...but i really dont care...This place is friggin awesomeeeeeeenesssssss!!!! :D cost me $60 to get in...thats like £20 but it was sooo worth it
Pelican Village
People this is an arts and crafts village, it was pretty nice and awesome stuff here too!! Butttt...I was followed around by a wasteman that I met when I went to the animal flower caves..so he killed my mood n I did t enjoy shopping there.. Dude even expected me to give him money for following me sayin he showed me about.. People if u travelling alone..u have to be very careful..don't jus follow people down anywhere if ur unsure...listen to ur gut instincts...I cussed that wasteman n told him to leave me alone or id call the police n he left me after I gt to the busstop.. Yea..he killed my mood..I had been walkin screwfaced n didn't talk to people when I went bk to town...
Partyin 1 random night
i just did a random drive around town in the evening on sunday... i was learning where the cool and the lame hung out... where the scabicals hide... where was cool to be at... and for some reason... i was watching ALOT of bootys... its like the only thing to look at on the chicks around here... especially when they wear what they wear and their style, body and face does not make up for themselves...my gy told me its perfectly fine to think that because its the truth... the ass was all i was lookin at and i felt like a pervert!!! Some how, i ended up at st lawrence gap drinkin beer and in Mcbrides partyin on a casual level... because iw as so not dressed for it...Saw some funnnnnnnnyyy dancing!1 and some crazy people!! I got some food after and then went home... overall...its was a PEAK sunday night!! because sunday in london doesnt shout party to me... :)
ATV/Bike track lime
In April, apparently its all about rally racing etc over here in Barbados.. i asked my friend about it and he was like... i wouldn't enoy it because its boring after a few laps... and it more like a place for people to see old faces and catch up again... so he invited me to watch ATV and bike racing on the dirty tracks instead... suppose it would be more interesting and fun to watch... Have to say...the view was amazing from up here!!
This is my friend all geared up like everyone else... There was a couple of new humps added to the track so there was alot of thinking and planning goin on that day!
I don't think pictures do this place justice...but the view was prety amazing!! we Stayed there till the sun went down and all the fire flies came out....LIKE OMG!! My 1st time ever seeing Fireflies!!! It ws soo pretty!!!
The guys here were super funnnnnyyyyy!! like this biker here kept me laughinnnnnggggg!!! overall..it was a great experience... i got to ride round the track and a ride back home...it was pretty fun!!
I went to visit my friends baby girl and his gf afterwards... i haven't seen them since last yr so it was sooo cute to see the baby walk around and play!! She is sooo adorable and she warmed up to me pretty quick!! i didn't take any pictures tha tnight coz i was tired but awhhh... the innocence of children always warms my heart and make me all gooey inside :)
Lemon Arbour- trying seacat!!
I went to this place called Lemon Arbour... For some reason, there is nothing to do on a saturday for the locals during the day time so they all come here... well alottttttt do!! I wanted to try some of their local food..uno...whats traditional here and distinctly Bajan cusine... There was quite abit to choose from...

I wanted to try anything i have never tried before, at the same time, i hoped i would like it...
I wanted to try anything i have never tried before, at the same time, i hoped i would like it...
I went for pickled Seacat... a creature that is kinda like an octopus but not quite... oh my gosh... it did not look appetizing... I could gone for something bbq'd and hot..but i was bravee people...
Needless to say from this picture.. i did NOT like it... i was told by some its nice, some that it isn't... i was warned by my friend Bradley its like chewing rubber bands... and he was right... except i didnt listen to him...i didn't like how the lil sucker thing on the tentacles popped off in my mouth... yuckkk!!!! people... try at ur own risk but Jeniniooo does not like it... and i love calamari ok!!
This area had a really nice high up view of the countryside... and i got to play with my dslr that day...properly aswell!! getting the hang of it... i'ma use it more now..
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